
Fear of Failure as a Photographer

July 28, 2022

Someone once told me if I hadn’t failed, I hadn’t tried hard enough. It took me a while to understand that. 

Are you looking for more? If you take risks, you leave mediocre behind. Is that what you’re striving for? A way to get off the path you currently have laid out? Let’s push past your boundaries! 

For a long time, I was afraid of failure as a photographer and in my effort to avoid it, it kept me on my toes. I worked off the anxiety it fed me. In a lot of ways, the success of my business was driven a bit by that fear. But I noticed my photography started to have a bit of a cadence and the work started to feel stagnant. 

Ever seen something wonderful happening that you wanted to photograph, but it would require you to change ALL your camera settings? That’s where I used to say, I’m just going to wait and photograph the safe stuff, the expected moments. I’ve made an effort to get off autopilot and take those risks. I changed the camera settings, strutted over, and went for it. 

I met some failures, but I loved it! It was scary, to say the least. But, the change led me to some of the best work I created and the most wonderful clients I had ever worked with.

Do you want to stay on the path you already have, or do you want to push those boundaries and see where it can take you?

Hear how we battled with failure as a photographer in our Podcast with Raymon Hatfield.

We talk way more about failure, and overcoming it, in the course. If this feels like something you’re struggling with, shoot us an email – we’d love to chat more.