
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a

Sustainable Wedding Photography Business

Everything you need to know to break in, scale up and create a career you love

We know this information can change your life.

Why? Because it changed ours.


Revealing the Narrative

At the end of the day, our #1 goal is to ignite the belief that wedding photographers can be creatively fulfilled AND financially fulfilled, while also living a life they enjoy. We’ve kept you in mind while creating Revealing the Narrative and won’t waste a moment of  your time. We give you clear action items throughout our programs and a roadmap to meet your goals.

These 9 modules of our RTN Course, truly cover it all, showing you what a documentary approach can offer your art, your clients and your photography business.

First, we start with the photography itself, helping you shift the dynamics of your clients so you can master the art of the moment to tell truly captivating stories.

Next, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of elevating your business by centering it around YOU. This shift will have you attracting your ideal clients at a price point that gives you the freedom you're after.

And lastly, we’ll provide you with some tried and true ways to keep a cycle of bookings coming in (without advertising) so you can breath a sigh of relief knowing that your business is sustainable and scalable.

Each module also comes with its own bonus material and access to a supportive community.

Through all these lessons, we do more than share our experiences; we give you real, actionable steps you can take today to start creating the business – and lifestyle – you always wanted.

We don’t value cookie-cutter photography and we certainly don’t value cookie-cutter solutions.

“There was something new to learn about storytelling, choosing the right client, workflow, pricing, and marketing/selling - you girls thought of EVERY detail! I liked the way that the course was self-paced -- I could learn the content during the week when I had time. But at the same time, there were gentle deadlines where we checked in on our goals for the week. This was a perfect balance for me -- low stress but gentle nudges to get stuff done! Within weeks of taking the course and implementing what I learned I was able to double the amount of weddings booked - and they were all my ideal clients. Since completing RTN, I have been able to double what I charge - all while being excited about my work again.”

How to work with us...

The RTN Course

We want to give you the best of both worlds. You can go through the course at a pace that works for you and also avail of a community, that is right where you are, the whole way through. Our private and custom community platform has everything you need in one place. Along with lifetime access to the content, group discussions and feedback, you’ll have monthly group coaching calls so we can dig deeper into the photography, client experience, business and anything else you might need. 

"Revealing the Narrative gave me the confidence and tools to present myself in a more effective way, restructure my packages and raise my prices. I have already seen the benefit of that this year! I’m only half way through the season and have already made more money than I did in all of last year!”

- Jen, RTN Member

I'm Ready!

9 Modules, All With 1 Goal In Mind.

Helping You Start, Grow, Pivot or Elevate Your Business

Module 1:

Module 3:

Module 2:

The Authentic Image


The Story

- Continue to grow your skills as a moment-

driven photographer

- Keep it fresh and create personal work

- Get helpful group critiques & learn how to

effectively self-critique

- Use your images to create a compelling

visual narrative

- Sequence your collection and create “mini


- Successfully cull your images

- Edit your final images with longevity in


- Embrace a documentary approach

- Avoid posed portraits and achieve


- Anticipate moments and follow them as

they develop

- Enhance your composition and perspective

Module 6:

Module 5:

Module 4:

The Right Client

Client Experience

Finding Your Right Price

- Calculate the rate that helps you achieve your

desired lifestyle

- Set boundaries, reevaluate your career and create

true work/life balance

- Create compelling collections that increase your


- Properly communicate with your clients

- Form a contract that protects you and your


- Navigate each and every step of the client

relationship, from initial inquiry to image

delivery to final album creation

- Maximize your potential income

- Dig deeper to define your ideal client and

their values

- Create a mission statement to attract and

book your ideal client

- Select images that help communicate your


Module 9:

Module 8:

Module 7:


Dealing with Doubt & Self Confidence

How to Sell

- Recover from burnout

- Stay true to yourself and your vision

- Ease anxieties and embrace failures

- Create the best first impression and

connect with your client immediately

- Navigate inquiries

- Maximize the potential spend of each


- Sell albums without feeling sales-y

- Create a website that attracts and converts


- Use SEO to maximize your online presence

- Use social media effectively

- Build referrals

- Network in these modern times

+ All Bonus Material

Photography Equipment

Company Resource List

Photo Organization &

Back Ups

While the camera does not make the photographer, we have found certain equipment does make the job easier and helps create the images you want. We’ll show you what we use and why, so you can ultimately choose what’s best for you.

After a decade of researching, these are the outside resources we use to elevate our work and business. We share them with you to save you valuable time and energy, and to ensure you have the best possible set-up.

This will help you set up that perfect photo organization system: one that saves you time, prevents you from losing images and keeps you uber professional.

Client Workflow

Email Templates

Mission Statement Worksheet

A mission statement is vital for any business, and this worksheet will help you craft the perfect one, one that will allow you to make more informed decisions when it comes to your business so you can meet your goals faster.

We provide you with our pre- and post-booking workflow so you can anticipate what's coming, stay on track and create the best client experience possible.

These friendly, professional templates won’t just improve your workflow, but they’ll help you kickstart a positive client experience, which leads to better referrals.

Collections Guide

Work/Life Balance Tools

Collection Creator

This guide is everything you need to know to create and package your pricing information, and do so in a way that increases sales.

Tools that help you run a business, without having the business run you. Yes, it’s possible to have financial security AND free time for your loved ones.

An important tool that won’t just help you convert inquiries into bookings, but maximize your profit margins. Includes a bonus 'how-to' video to help you set-up and maintain some critical spreadsheets.

Album Sales Methods

Social Media 101

Phone Call Guide

Proven methods for selling albums that don’t just increase your profits, but better satisfy your clients.

Our hard-won tips for choosing and maintaining your social media accounts, tricks that will allow you to grow your business without being tied to your smartphone.

A recorded guide for tackling the ever-important first phone call: what to ask and what to say to make your clients feel comfortable and convert casual inquiries into confirmed bookings.

Actionable Step Checklist

The Lesson Summaries

Relocating Your Business

Our course is packed with actionable steps you can take to start and grow your business, and we’ve combined those in one easy-to-navigate document, so you always know exactly what to do next.

We summarized key takeaways from our modules into one, easy-to-read document, so you can easily review and revisit what you've learned.

Tips for how to successfully relocate your business, no matter what stage of your career.

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The Course Collections

We’ve broken our main course down into 3 unique collections and made each collection available for individual purchase.

Maybe you’ve already booked your first client (congrats!) and are wondering how to grow your business. Or maybe you’ve managed to grow your business (super congrats!) but are feeling burned out and uninspired. These collections speak to everyone at every phase of their career, and allow you to troubleshoot issues in an effective, highly targeted way.

The Business

The Connection

The Photography

These 3 comprehensive modules provide you everything you need to turn your passion and talents into a thriving career, from how to attract your ideal wedding clients to targeting your price point.

These modules focus on entrepreneurship: how to turn your bookings into a business that sustains you both creatively & financially.

Here, we go beyond the traditional photography basics to truly help you master the art of the authentic image and create powerful visual stories that leave you and the client feeling excited.

Module 1: The Authentic Image

Module 2: The Story

Module 3: Mastery


Module 7: Marketing

Module 8: How to Sell

Module 9: Dealing with Doubt and Self Confidence

Module 4: The Right Client

Module 5: The Client Experience

Module 6: Finding Your Right Price







Get personalized one-on-one mentorship centered around YOU.

We’ll make improvements TOGETHER so you can start seeing results faster.

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Everything above, plus...

Custom Website Review

We’ll comb through every page, every image and every word of your website, and leave you with an action plan that will help you turn your site into a tool to attract your ideal client and meet your career goals

Custom Portfolio Review

We’ll offer an objective critique of your portfolio and help you fine-tune your visual story. You'll stand out from the crowd and have work that resonates with your ideal clients. Additionally, we’ll provide constructive feedback as to how to further improve your photographs, so you can continue to build a powerful display of work that will convert.

Private Mentorship Sessions

Hour-long sessions where we drill down into all aspects of your work and business. Not only we will provide clarity and a road-map, but we'll do the heavy lifting with you. With our support, you'll be making effective progress towards goals, instead of adding to your to-do list.

apply now

"The course forced me to take a good hard look at how I was presenting myself and how I wanted to be presenting myself. I did make some significant changes and they have brought me closer to my goal. The main result for me was completely crossing over to Wedding Photojournalism, reflecting that on my website and social, and now getting inquires from people seeking out that style! I've also been able to increase what I charge 148% - again, with the type of clients I want!"

Some FAQs

Who is the RTN Course for?

Are you passionate about visual storytelling? Do you want to turn that passion into a source of income? Do you want to feel both creatively fulfilled and financially secure? If so, this course is for you. We created lessons with everyone in mind, from the amateur photographer looking to turn their passion into a viable career to the seasoned wedding photographer looking to pivot their approach.

What sets the RTN Course apart?

While there are a lot of photography courses out there, Revealing the Narrative is unique in that it helps you create a documentary wedding photography career by breaking the traditional mold and embracing photojournalism. We teach you how to capture authentic moments, which will elevate your art, attract your ideal client and leave you excited to go to work each day.

How long does the RTN Course take to complete?

How long the course takes is totally up to you. What we will say, though, is that it was designed to meet the needs of even the busiest people. It’s concise and packed with actionable steps you can make today to get results as soon as tomorrow. And best of all, it’s all watchable on your own time. And with lifetime access to all materials, you can watch and rewatch as-needed.

What's the Guarantee?

All our courses have a 30 day money back guarantee if you have completed the work and don't see improvements.



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